Spring is also about Brand Renewal

Just as nature is about renewal during the Spring, many companies have taken the opportunity to express the season of rejuvenation through re-branding.

Here are several examples of companies that are trying to update their communications and strengthen connections with their customers:



I had the personal pleasure of working with Avid on the brand equity research study that helped lay the foundation for determining how to position and optimize the branding of their portfolio of products.  To compete against Apple’s hipness and to unify the company’s audio & video offerings, Avid wanted to signal a strategic shift from the old corporate wordmark.  The new logo represents the mixing buttons used by editors (professional & consumer) and spells Avid.  While legibility might be an issue, the execution on the trade booth, website, and materials definitely makes them seem more relevant and creative.



To an effort to compete against the combined forces of Barnes & Noble and Starbucks that want you to believe that their store can be your “3rd place” (after home and work), Borders in the UK, for now, is trying to enhance its appeal as a “social culture shop”. The new logo of a butterfly made out of a page of text and tagline “Let’s escape” is a completely new way to project that they should be the preferred destination for knowledge and entertainment.




The winless team’s new logo makes Bubbles the lion fiercer by adding teeth and claws. Beyond the change in “game face”, the jersey’s material apparently allows for greater flexibility.  Being a fan of competitive games, I hope the new quarterback and management will make the new logo an accurate representation of the team’s playing ability.

Detroit Lions


The change coincides with the recent merger with Preferred Care. The company wants to demonstrate its continued commitment to NY by leveraging its use of the “NYC” apple while placing greater emphasis on its positioning of a “path to better health”.

OLD                            NEW






Clever as ever, Google honored Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the inventor of the single wire telegraph, who was born on April 27, 1791 by translating it logo for one day into the appropriate dots & dashes.

Google and Morse Code

For Avid, Borders, Detroit Lions and MVP Health Care, I look forward to seeing how they leverage their new core identity to inspire all of their communications AND deliver upon their brand promise!


by Allan DeYoung